Overview of Mac terms/glossary

Are we saying the same things?

To make sure I'm clearly communicating where I'm clicking and what I mean, I recorded a short overview and glossary of sorts, of what I do and say around my screen and my system.


[00:00:00] Let’s look at some common terms and items that I’ll be looking at in these lessons. 

[00:00:07] The narrow bar that runs across the top of the screen is called the Menu Bar, and this label in the top corner will change depending on what program is active. At the bottom of the screen, we have the Dock. This is where you can find frequently or recently used programs.

[00:00:27] If you’re in a window and either one of these disappears, you can nudge your mouse to the top of the screen to find the Menu Bar or to the bottom of the screen to get the Dock to pop up. 

[00:00:39] And we’ll come down to the Dock. The Finder is this icon with the face on it, and this is where you can manage your files. You have options to make them appear as a list, as various icons, and you can change how they’re grouped to make it easier to find. This will look a little different in different operating systems. But if you hover your mouse, it will pop up something along the lines of, show the items as icons or as a list, or change the item grouping.

[00:01:24] Another item in the Dock is the Launchpad. In my operating system, this is a square icon with a grid of squares in it, but in older operating systems, this will be a circle with a rocket inside the icon. Either way, if you hover your mouse over it, it should pop up that it’s the Launchpad. Inside this, you can see every program that’s installed on your computer. If you click and hold and then swipe sideways, this will show you multiple screens’ worth of icons, and if you want to get out of this, you can just click again, a single click anywhere. 

[00:02:02] This is also useful for if you can’t find something, like I can come up here and search for “Dropbox” and this app will come up, or I can search for Vellum if it’s not in my Dock at the bottom of the screen, and I can open things from here. I’ll click again to exit, and there’s the Launchpad. 

[00:02:24] On the topic of things looking different in different operating systems, of course Apple makes it where each operating system looks slightly different than the last, as they update and upgrade things. So when you buy Vellum. If you go to Vellum Pub, their front page right at the top will say what Mac operating system, that’s Mac O.S., which numbered version that you need to be able to run the most recent version of Vellum. 

[00:02:55] Now, if you have an older operating system, that doesn’t mean you can’t run Vellum, you just can’t run the most current version of Vellum. As Apple keeps changing things, Vela has to change their programs with it, and being able to support the most recent things that Apple will also support is part of the challenge.

[00:03:15] But if you haven’t purchased yet and you are considering it, you can find out what operating system you are running by coming to the Apple Menu and clicking “About this Mac.” This will bring up what version of computer you’re running, and at the line that says Mac OS, it’s going to give you a name, which, all of Apple’s operating systems are named after locations in the state of California, and so my version is 13.6. 5, so the 13 is the main thing that I need to know since the sales page said I needed at least 11 to be able to run it. And this tells me that it will be supported for a while as Apple keeps introducing new operating systems.

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