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The Complete Vellum Workshop
Preliminaries and notes
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Module 1: Introductions, interface, and setup
Who is this course designed for? (1:39)
Meet the instructor: Jody E. Skinner (2:14)
Making the most of Teachable (5:23)
What does Vellum do? (5:10)
Overview of Mac terms/glossary (3:59)
Vellum installation and overview of controls (5:50)
Module 1 extras
Module 1: extra content
MacinCloud overview for PC users or older Macs (4:50)
MacinCloud: signing up (5:30)
MacinCloud: logging out, logging in, accessing your server (4:22)
MacinCloud web dashboard (2:59)
Connecting Dropbox or OneDrive
Changing icon size in MacinCloud (1:31)
Canceling MacinCloud (0:35)
Module 2: Project files and data setup
Overview: managing projects vs. prepping metadata (0:54)
Creating a new project (with practice files) (2:13)
Saving: Naming the working project, and choosing a Save location (2:53)
"Metadata" - your title/author information and how/where they're used (4:31)
Module 2 extras
Module 2: extra content
Too many/too few chapters? How to merge or split (5:17)
Duplicating files: how-to, plus some use cases for same vs different files (4:25)
DOCX files from LibreOffice (2:09)
Finding lost files - three things to try (2:32)
Vellum's file versioning ("revert to"): restoring an older file (3:03)
Module 3: Mastering the elements (chapters, title page, front/back matter...)
Elements overview (1:42)
Adding elements - different types, single or multiple (3:14)
Removing elements - single or multiple (2:45)
Changing types of elements (recategorizing), or renaming (2:16)
Title box gear menu: add subtitle or chapter author, chapter numbering, heading images (5:19)
Contents: overview, KDP requirements, ebook vs print (4:38)
Contents: groupings and adjusting vertical spacing (3:32)
Contents: customizations with subtitles, subheadings, chapter authors (1:44)
Module 3 extras
Module 3: extra content
Parts and Volumes, numbering chapters, naming parts, sub-contents in parts (5:15)
Reusing elements: overview & Vellum Help (1:38)
Reusing elements: basic steps, creating a master file, adding front/back matter (4:30)
Reusing elements: adding preview/teaser chapters (2:52)
Module 4: All about "Styles" and customizing your Vellum template
Styles overview (4:50)
Choose your book style/template & customize: Chapter Heading & First Paragraph (4:59)
Paragraph After Break settings, looking for sneaky text breaks, and Vellum's Find menu (5:45)
Headers & Footers—default and customized (7:09)
Body settings, part 1: All formats—indents vs spacing, justification, hyphenation (3:34)
Body settings, part 2: Print only—choosing & resizing fonts, clarified breaks (6:55)
Module 4/5: Crossovers — Styles & Text Features
Overview: items found both in styles & text features
Ornamental breaks: default options & customizing (best practices) (3:41)
Images, part 1: 5 format options/styles, ALT text, and linking images (5:18)
Images, part 2: Edition-specific images, replacing an image, adding a caption (5:49)
Block Quotation & Verse options (4:08)
Text Conversation formatting (5:01)
Written Note formatting (2:26)
Module 5: Text Features - fine-tuning your book text
Text Features: overview (2:33)
Subheadings: Setting up in Word or in Vellum (3:11)
Subheadings: workarounds for multiple heading levels (3:04)
Alignment blocks: basics and edition-specific uses (3:59)
Lists: Bulleted/numbered, single or multiple levels (2:12)
Web Links: From ebook to internet link (2:11)
Store links, from an ebook to book retailers (4:30)
Internal links: connecting to other locations in an ebook (3:03)
Footnotes & Endnotes (5:43)
Module 6:
Overview: Print book basics, plus simple and more complex customizations
_NEW_ Print Settings pt. 1: Trim sizes, margins, and text size + line spacing (2:35)
What is bleed? KDP and Vellum settings (2:58)
Title page - custom, option 1: Half Title and Title Page inserted in a Blurbs element (8:42)
Title page - custom, option 2: full page image (5:56)
Chapter Background custom settings (print only) (4:30)
NEW | Multiple chapter backgrounds, single & double backgrounds (3:43)
Teach online with
Body settings, part 1: All formats—indents vs spacing, justification, hyphenation
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