Making the most of Teachable
Making Teachable work for you
Teachable not only has play/pause/skip features, it also lets you add your own private notes, turn subtitles on or off, and change the speed if I'm speaking too quickly. This lesson walks you through all these.
[00:00:00] Let me show you around Teachable so that you can see how to change the speed of the lessons, to be able to make notes for yourself, and some of the other customization available to you inside the Teachable app.
[00:00:13] When you open the course, it will either prompt you to start the lessons or to pick up where you left off, but you have immediate access to all the lessons right away, so you can scroll through and see where you would like to go, whenever you get in here. I’ve tried to name the modules so they’re fairly logical, and then each of the lessons I’ve tried to make also a logical name so that you can go through and find whatever it is that you’d like to have help with, if there’s something specific that you’d like to solve.
[00:00:40] There is a button on the right side that says Learn with Others, and that should be the Community setting. So as of right now, that’s open to all students in this course, as is my Facebook group, which is called “Jody’s Book Nook.” And both places you can ask questions about the lessons, and, also, both places you need to type the @ key first and then start typing my name, J-O-D-Y, and then that should bring that up and you can find my name to tag me. If you don’t tag me, especially on Teachable, Teachable doesn’t tell me that I have any new content in there. So I’m happy to address any questions. Please do tag me.
[00:01:14] If we come into a lesson to look over this, now we can see our basic controls that we have in here. We have play and pause, here on the left side, we have options to go back 10 seconds for, in case you missed something, or you can skip forward 10 seconds if I’m really just getting down too much in the weeds on a topic and you don’t care for it.
[00:01:34] The volume button, if you click this on and off, it will either mute it or turn the volume back on for this tab, and that just controls these lessons. So if it feels too loud or too quiet, you can come in here and you can actually customize this level.
[00:01:49] On the right side, as you hover your mouse, the first option is the Subtitle option. If you slide the toggle to turn these on, you’ll see the transcript that I have edited to make sure that everything is spelled correctly. But if you want to change what their appearance is, you can come down to the style button and you can swap them to where, say the background is white and the font color is black. And then when you come back out, you’ll see how that is. There are some other customizations as well in the style where you can change the opacity and quite a few other things. So if you want to undo anything, you can come back into it and go back to “none” for some of the settings, or just come to the bottom and tell it Back to Default Appearance. And then if we decide we don’t want subtitles, we can go back and toggle them back off and close the little window.
[00:02:39] The next note over is Personal Notes, and this is a notes location that is visible only to you as the student. I can’t see them as the instructor and the other students can’t see these either. I wish there were a way that we could actually search them outside of the individual lesson. I don’t believe that’s an option right now.
[00:02:59] The little hexagonal Settings button is the next one. So for Quality, if your internet’s having a hard time, you can actually take this down lower for the video quality, and you can also adjust the speed at which I’m talking. Sometimes I talk too fast. It happens, but you can go down to three quarter speed or to half speed and see if that will help you, in case there’s anything that I’m really going by too quickly. If for some reason I’m not going fast enough, you also have options to speed it up to double speed.
[00:03:28] The mini player option is the next to last one over here, and that will pop up a little standalone screen that if you go to the corner or to the top, you can resize it. And this is just the player. This doesn’t have any of the customization options, so you can either click back to tab to go back to the browser or click the X button and that’ll bring you back to the browser as well.
[00:03:51] The last one is the full screen option, which if I push this, it will take up the entire screen. And then to get back out of that, just press the Escape key on your keyboard.
[00:03:59] As far as the rest of the lesson itself, the very first thing that we have is a download of the transcript of this video. Each video should have one of these, and if there are any slides, it’ll also have the slides to download. Most of them don’t have that, but the transcript will be in all of them.
[00:04:13] And some of these lessons actually fit in more than one of the course modules. If any of these videos do show up multiple places in the course, I’m going to tell you in the first couple of lines, just so you’re not questioning your sanity and wondering if you’ve already been through a module when, no, it’s actually just a duplicate. If it is a duplicate and you’ve already done the first one and you like all the little check boxes to be clicked off, just tell it Complete and Continue and it’ll go on.
[00:04:39] The transcription is also at the bottom of each lesson, just so you have it here. We also have the subtitles, so this may be overkill, but I want to make sure you have all the resources that you have [need] to know what I’m trying to communicate to you so that you can be successful.
[00:04:54] If you want to come back out to the Home menu, that’s right here at the top, that’ll come back out to the main course page. You have some options up in the corner where your account information is, where you can edit your profile and any of these other options. But if you ever run into anything that you need to ask me for, you can come here in the community or on Facebook and tag me, or you can email my team at [email protected].
[00:05:20] I’m glad you’re here.